
Monday, January 28, 2013

Aloe in the Garden

Have you considered planting aloe in your garden?

This is one of my favorite plants for the larger area landscape and also as a potted plant. I enjoy the long lasting blooms and the hummingbirds that are attracted to the aloe flowers. 
Benefits of aloe: Helps sooth burns, blisters, rashes, athlete's foot, acne, sunburns, it's a mild anesthetic, relieves itching, reduces inflammation, beautiful flowering and draught tolerant plant, moisturizer, post shaving gel, dermatitis aid. Aloe juice is also available at health food stores as a supplement.
Did you know that Aloes are considered one of the Fire Safe landscaping plants? They provide a defensible space of non inflammatory vegetation in the same way that succulents do.
A great plant to fall in love with!
